A world-class mill in Workington, United Kingdom

Continuous development and adaptation to customer needs and expectations are essential for success in a highly competitive market. Workington Mill is an integrated pulp and paperboard mill. Since 2013 it has been powered entirely by fossil carbon-free bioenergy. Bleached mechanical pulp is processed to suit the special demands of paperboard manufacture and is combined with purchased bleached chemical pulp into a multi-layered board construction which is ideally suited to the demands of modern paperboard packaging.

Actively investing in bioenergy

In 2013 a biomass boiler was inaugurated at Workington mill, an investment made possible by the long term perspective of our majority owner. Having previously relied on fossil fuel for energy, the mill is now carbon neutral, powered 100% on bio-energy. The resulting drop in carbon dioxide emissions is the equivalent of taking 65 000 EU average cars off the road (on a daily, yearly, or whatever basis). We are actively engaging local land owners to diversify their crops by adding willow as a source of bio-energy.

Paperboard that pays off

The finishing process is a key component of Holmen Iggesund’s service to its customers because this work directly affects delivery times and integration with the customer’s own processes. Manufacturing paperboard is a skilled industrial process. Paperboard manufacturers have a difficult task of balancing the demands of their own economy of production by having long production runs versus the market’s demands for customised products, formats and deliveries. For this reason, finishing the paperboard on site at the mill has become the key to satisfying customer demands in the long term without negatively impacting the mill’s own production costs.