As they wanted the handbag to be manufactured to a very high-quality, Invercote Aluvision seemed like the obvious choice. The handbag needed to be strong and durable enough to be used multiple times and the effect of the metal surface was also a big factor.

Originally planning to print on an SR3 format, they ended up having to divide the carton into two parts because of the size of the material needed. For these reasons, Invercote Aluvision made the most sense for its rigidity, printability, high quality surface, freedom of design, and resistance to cracking. Confael chose to finish it by digitally printing with HP Indigo 7600 using CMYK+White ink.

Natalia Starkina, Marketing Director at Confael says, “People were thoroughly fascinated by this handbag, especially our male customers. The women’s handbag is such a recognisable product of Confael and really well-received by clients.”

The result is an eye catching, attractive design, unconventional form and a talking point for anyone who sees them. Exactly what Confael set out to achieve.


Brand: Confael

Product: Gift box

Paperboard: Invercote Aluvision